
My Approach to Deep Inner Inquiry Work


I approach slowly, carefully, with reverence,
sensing delicately, listening deeply,
in between, behind, beneath, beyond everyday perception.

Gently opening doorways,
entering subtle dimensions of Otherworlds;
of soul, ancestors, angelics, mythic archetypes,
of earthly elementals, cosmic currents and spirit.

Listening for what is waiting to be heard.
Seeing what is waiting to be witnessed.
Illuminating what wants to be understood.
Holding a sacred place for what is longing
to remember love’s embrace.

Standing with you as a respectful companion
to your own revelation.

Catherine Luma Malone 

is a skilled Seer, Listener and Transformation Facilitator, who has been in private practice for 12 years. For over 30 years she has carefully refined her ability to work with subtle energy, access higher levels of consciousness and open multi-dimensional perception. Her formal training includes certification and extensive practice in Yoga, Meditation, Akashic Records, Astrology, Intuitive Energy Healing, Sound Healing, Metaphysics, along with a Bachelor of Fine Arts.

She is actively engaged in ongoing relational practice spaces exploring deep, subtle inquiry into the nature of being human. Previously, she taught yoga and meditation, lived as a sannyasin in an ashram in India, worked as an arts festival coordinator, dance facilitator, DJ and gardener.  She is a past co-founder of West Coast Evolutionaries, a practice group dedicated to evolutionary spirituality, and a past co-founder of Dance Temple Victoria, ecstatic dance community. 

Currently Luma resides in beautiful Comox by the sea on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada. Her heart is cracked open everyday by the extraordinary natural beauty where she is blessed to live. All of the photos on this site are taken by her.

My Sessions & Readings


"It is wonderful to hear your voice. I don't know if there is anyone else in the world who carries the vibration that you do, and the way of working in the ethers, that feels so in sync with my own connection and my Being. This was truly a blessing. I was moved to tears with the love flowing through. Energy received!! You are such a blessing Luma. I am deeply grateful for your work that is not work and your love."

"Your reading has been and will continue to be a great gift. Your energetic witnessing was so profound and was a huge validation. I’ve listened to the recording a few times and the layers keep unfolding, and I’ve been doing energy healing, letting your kind and loving voice guide me through this process. Thank you for this sacred work that you do."


"And it was sooo awesome. Really confirmed what I have been feeling and hearing lately in many ways, and so good of you to put in words some of the faint flashes that I could not quite land into full consciousness. I am so glad that you are on this path and sharing your gifts. What a blessing."

"During the reading I was nodding my head so vigorously at one point that I thought it would fall off! More clarity than I’ve had on this issue for a long time ... I’m excited about redefining my role in the coming months and getting back to what I enjoy. I will listen to the recording again soon and take some notes. I am SO GRATEFUL for you sharing your wisdom!"

"You blew my mind. Man you hit the mark on how I’ve felt beyond words. Thank you so much for this gift!"

"Luma released the “pressure valve.” I felt all the things that I was holding, all the questions, all the keeping it together, all the needing to know, needing to get it right, was slowly released- so that a natural rearrangement and spaciousness could take place. Felt so peaceful present and in my heart during and afterwards, and still do. The biggest deepest exhale."

"I’m still in awe of how epic my session was. The shifts I feel are incredible and I’m so grateful for all that you did!"

"With your guidance, I am transformed!"

"Thank you very much for that incredible healing! I feel so much lighter & much more of myself today! I'm so grateful. Let’s see how things integrate! I’m looking forward to booking another session in a couple weeks. I have so many questions!"